Give Online

You can give your gift safely and securely online - this is one of the easiest ways to give to our church. We can't thank you enough for your generosity! When you give your tithe and offerings, it helps support our church staff, fund our outreach programs, pay for our new building and any fixes or updates, get supplies for our children's ministries & youth groups, and so much more. We’ve made it easy to setup recurring giving, so you don’t need to worry about it every month. In 2 minutes, you can setup giving for the entire year! Click below to get started.  All financial resources are stewarded responsibly to glorify God.

Other ways to give

At The Highlands, we encourage hearts of generosity. Generosity is not something we want from you but for you. When you are generous, you experience more of God's grace and your faith and joy begin to grow (Proverbs 11:25). Your generosity with your time, talents and your financial support help spread the kingdom of Jesus Christ and transform lives in our church, network, country and world.

  • Time & Talents

    Send us a message or speak to us in person about serving together.

  • By Mail

    You can mail your financial gift to:

    The Highlands Church 680 Woodland Rd, Delano MN 55328

  • In Person

    Our auditorium has secured offering boxes by each door. Thank you for your generosity.

Section Title

  • General Fund

    General Fund contributions are utilized for Building, Ministry, Operations, Missional and Payroll needs. Ministry programs allow our church to reach people for Christ and transform their lives.

  • Benevolence

    The Benevolence Fund is a designated giving fund to assist those in need within our church. To give to this fund, include Benevolence on the check memo line or select this designation online. 

  • Missions

    As a church, we want to practice the act of generosity and give outside of our walls to reach our communities, country and world. Our goal is to allocate 10% of our giving each year to fund missions outside of our network.


If you have any questions about giving or if you want to learn about non-cash giving, please email Jana Haugen. The Highlands Church welcomes donations of non-cash gifts including appreciated stocks, bonds or mutual funds. These gifts can be given as a current gift or planned.

Email Jana